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Mambolisa "MAGIC" Hair Spray - Aura Boutiqk

Mambolisa "MAGIC" Hair Spray

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Mambo hair ingredients was given specifically to aid in hair rejuvenation and spiritual enlightenment. Back in the old days the ancestors used everything herbs, from detox, cold and flu herbal drinks, to organic healing and hair growth products. One of the best herbals mixtures. Helps protect hair from harsh chemicals.  

This spray is used to hydrate the hair and scalp. Can be used daily or 3x a week.

Main Ingredients



-vitamin C and E

Use within 1 year

Physical benefits



Spiritual benefits

-clearer downloads

-better sleep

-relax mind

-brightens crown

-positive mindset


-mental upliftment



100% pure natural ingredients 

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

This is one of my favorites things to use daily on my hair. It's is a great detangler for my type c natural hair. It makes your hair super soft and manageable. I also use it to hydrate my hair. I don't have to use it everyday but because I love the product so much I spray it on my hair everytime I see the bottle😁