Our powerful herbal blend is specially formulated to balance out hormones. Hormones play a big role and can trigger ailments like :
Weight gain
Low libido
Hot flashes
Hair Loss or Thinning
Food cravings
Thyroid dysfunction
Lost of sleep
Nowadays, a high percentage of women may experience hormonal imbalances from PMS to menopause, period pain, which can mean one of two things. An excess of estrogens in the body or an imbalance between progesterone and estrogens. Diet and lifestyle can influence the hormonal system. Other symptoms of hormonal imbalance, mood swings, irritability, anxiety, depression, stress, fatigue, sleep disorders,
Chaste Tree Berries (VITEX AGNUS- CASTUS) has a long extensive history for hormone regulation. The berries stimulate the pituitary gland, which regulates the menstrual cycle. Used to normalize the menstrual cycle and to increase fertility. Rich in volatile oils, alkaloids and flavonoids. It is often used to treat endometriosis, pms, preventing miscarriage in first trimester, hot flashes. This herb helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and even helps to initiate normal period for women whos period was absent for some time. It help to naturally balance the body hormones.
Lady's mantle ( Alchemilla Vulgaris) is chiefly used to reduced heavy menstrual bleeding. Prize name 'womb healer'. Its astringency ensures that blood flow is staunched healing in process. Lady's mantle has progesterone actions, leading in reducing clot bleeding, relieve cramps and aid in menstrual regularity. Lady's mantle is also good for fibroids and endometriosis. It has been used to facilitate childbirth and acts as a liver decongestant. It astringent properties makes it a useful treatment for diarrheas' and gastroenteritis.
Skullcap (Virginian skullcap) was traditionally taken for menstrual problems. Skullcap became well known in the 19th century America as a treatment for rabies, hence its folk name "mad dog". Today it is mainly used as a tonic and sedative for the nerves in times of stress. It has a bitter slightly astringent taste. Skullcap has significant antioxidant effects, antibacterial, antiviral, anticonvulsant effects, insomnia, heart health and may help protect against neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, anxiety and depression.
Licorice root ( Glycyrrhiza glabra) sweeter than sugar , it is not surprising that licorice is mainly thought of as candy. Yet it is also one of the most valuable of all herbal medicines, a powerful anti-inflammatory that is effective in conditions as arthritis and sores. This unique herb normalizes hormone production. Useful for treating adrenal exhaustion and hormonal imbalances.
Cinnamon chips ( cinnamomum zeylanicum) is a warming and drying herb, use for colds and flu to dry and clear mucus from the lungs and sinuses. It encourages blood circulation to the digestive system and extremities, warming cold hands and feet. Cinnamon has slightly astringent actions, antimicrobial, carminative, circulatory stimulant and antiemetic properties.
Ginger root ( zingiber officinale) is the best herbal remedy for nausea and vomiting. Ginger strengthens and stimulates those with a weak digestion. It aids in the clearance of phlegm and induces sweating to clear a fever. Ginger has antiemetic, carminative, expectorant, circulatory stimulant antimicrobial properties. Direct blood flow to the pelvic region and helps relieve pelvic congestion and blockages. Ginger is one of the beat herbs for easing menstrual cramps.
Blessed Thistle ( Cnicus Benedictus) cardo Santo is high in iron and has been used in traditional medicine to increase circulation and oxygen delivery to the brain. Helps support brain function, heart and lung function. Its bitter phytonutrients are used to support liver and gallbladder function. Blessed thistle help stimulate the upper digestive tract to promote proper digestion and improve appetite.
Blessed Thistle has antifungal and diuretic properties and has been used to treat hormonal disorders that interfere with normal menstruation. This herb is used to remove toxins, acids, and mucus and assist in intracellular cleansing.
Sarsaparilla Root (smilax officinalis) antiulcer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer, diaphoretic and diuretic properties. Sarsaparilla has been use to bind with toxins for their removal from the blood and body. It is used to treat skin conditions like psoriasis and leprosy, rheumatoid, arthritis, joint pain, headaches, colds and sexual impotence.
Red Raspberry leaf (Rubus idaeus) contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The leaf has been consuming for centuries. Helps tone the uterus, support healthy menstruation and aid in menstruation cramps. Raspberry leaves can be use to encourage easy labor. The leaves help strengthens the longitudinal muscles of the uterus, increasing the force of contractions. may also be used to relieve diarrhea. Rich source of vitamins and minerals, including calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins B, C and E
These herbs were chosen because of their unique ability to balance out the estrogen and progesterone levels of the body. These herbs will target whatever hormonal imbalance a woman is having and help correct it.
Place 1-2 teaspoons of the dried herbs mix in 1 cup of boiling water, cover and steep for 15-20 minutes. Strain and drink up to 3 times a day.